See our full article on how to get Microsoft Word for free. Unsurprisingly, you’ll need a university email address or other proof of your status to claim it. You are limited to working on five devices simultaneously, though. There’s also no device limit on Microsoft 365 installations, meaning both Family or Personal subscribers can install the software on as many devices as needed. The yearly subscriptions save you on two months of payment as well. The extra £20/$30 per year or £2/$3 per month for the Family subscription is a great deal if you choose to share the subscription costs among friends. For both, you have the option to pay monthly or annually: If you’re subscribing, there currently two main options to choose from: Personal (for just one user) or Family (for up to six users). Microsoft also throws in a few extra benefits such as 1TB of cloud storage and full access to Microsoft Teams. You can also save your work to the cloud, similar to Google Docs.

The main benefit to opting for Microsoft 365 is that you’ll get regular updates for as long as you’re a subscriber, with no need to jump from one version to the next every few years, and no headaches about file compatibility.

There’s also a special free version for students and university staff which we’ll get to later.